a positive flux of vibrational chemistry.
where am i? well, i'm in a van. in the back seat. on the left. we (the statics) are driving around melbourne, sussing out some locations to work out the finer points of the execution of our latest harebrained scheme.
(note to self: last sentence was badly structured. get sam to edit.)
i am wearing glasses because i wear glasses now. i didn't used to wear glasses, but now i do. apparently i've been somewhat blind for most of my life, but i never knew how much glasses would help. turns out they help A BUNCH. i can see all kinds of shit. it's awesome.
the downside, of course, is that i look even more like a dweeb now. which i'm cool with. i was never the prettiest pig in the pen anyway.
also sam has been staying at my house lately, and it's been totally awesome. i love being with her aaaall the time, and it's just that much easier when we're sharing a single space, and we don't need to spend time figuring out whose house we're going to, or going home to get clothes or cars.
i can't wait till we can afford to move out into our own place, and we can both feel at home in our own space. it'll be blisssssss.
anyway enough about me. now read the rest of my blog posts.
I love you.
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