i've been playing a lot of
new super mario bros. lately. it kicks arse. better than any game you've ever made, that's for sure. i'm currently collecting all the star coins, which involves a lot of "well there it is, now how the hell do i get there?". but if you put your mind to it, try a few different things, and basically stick with it for a bit, you'll get what you're after, and you become a happy little camper.
tonight, after i collected another metric buttload of star coins, i put down my DS and went to brush my teeth. admiring my stunning visage in the mirror, i noticed a blackhead at the entrance of my nostril. it was like it was challenging me. so i tried to give it a squeeze, but because of its awkward placement, i just couldn't get my giant man-fingers positioned around it right. and it dawned on me that there was no way i was gonna get that blackhead out. and i felt defeated.
that blackhead is just one of the many things that has reminded me recently that life isn't a game - that there isn't a solution for everything, that ingenuity and tact can't solve every problem. some things in life are shit, and there's no way around them. sometimes you have to make really difficult decisions and just make the best of what you end up with. and sometimes you don't get to make the decisions at all.
also, coops wanted me to write another blog. we were on cherylnne crescent at the time. ah, memories.