the formulas are falling apart.
i have a little friend. but he won't be around much longer.
occasionally i get white marks in my fingernails. sam tells me it's a sign of some kind of deficiency. however, my theory is that it's a result of my body's surplus of excellence. the proof is in the pudding:

yeah. that's right. i have a friend in my fingernail. and his name is =0.
he's been with me for a while. and he's surprised by pretty much everything.
but unfortunately, as my fingernails grow (which they do), the white marks grow out with them. i just cut my fingernails today, and this little dude has about two millimetres until he loses his mouth.
i thought i should share him with the world before i have to bury him.
also first picture on this blog ever. HISTORY IN THE MAKING, PEOPLE