pat does stuff.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

if i disappeared, would it matter so much?

oh man, it is so nice to be able to wear a hoodie.
the last few weeks, victoria has been melting in the ridiculously unbearable summer heat. in fact, in the past few days, victoria has been burning in the ridiculously unbearable summer heat. we've had some crazy bushfires, with some crazy casualties, and it's all closer to home than i'd like to believe.
thankfully the temperature has dropped fantastically the past two days. it hasn't stopped the bushfires, but we're getting there.

yesterday was mum's birthday. it was great!
this thursday is my orientation day for tafe. i'm fully expecting to be bored off my tits. ash has confirmed the validity of my expectations.
and on friday, pat and brendan are playing at a benefit gig for the CFA in fitzroy. so that'll be good, and for a good cause. plus, yelka and al rogers. you just can't say no to that.

i'm in a pretty stupid sleep pattern at the moment, staying up till 4 or 5am and getting up at 1 or 2pm. i really hate it, and yet i keep doing it. i think i'm gonna have to fix it rather forcefully.

but hey, good news: i set up the flash file on my myspace so that instead of just playing whatever random crap i've got in there at the moment (ie. box head man, spinning blue thing), it randomly chooses one of a few different animation loops every time you visit the page. there are only three at the moment, but you can bet your arse there'll be more soon. the only problem is that myspace, with their stupid security concerns, wouldn't let me load an external swf into the flash file. so all the animations are in the one file, meaning that instead of just downloading the animation you see, it downloads all of the animations and just plays one of them randomly. this sucks, but at least it works.
brendan's response to this information was "i can't believe i never noticed you were supernerd". isn't he just the sweetest?


At 9/11/10 11:33 AM, Blogger Girl Maverick said...

Yes, it would.


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